We believe that every incident is preventable and our belief in zero incidents implies that we are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace without adversely affecting the environment. The main objective remains:
- Promotion and development of consciousness for health, safety, environment and fire protection among all personnel working at construction / fabrication projects and workshop.
- Implementation of health, safety and environmental system requirements through extensive and regular training and periodic compliance checks.
- Regular safety meetings and updation program at offices, project sites and workshop involving workers and officers to develop, sustain and increase behavioral and attitudinal awareness towards safety.
- To continuously check and improve upon the safety standards.
- Maintaining all documents and records of safety meetings, training and implementation as per construction safety manual.
- Ensuring safety during design engineering.
Our HSE Management System (HSEMS) outlines the structured approach necessary for all our operations to manage HSE risks and drive HSE improvement in a consistent and systematic manner. Each element defines the requirements of all employees and stakeholders to achieve the outcome in a clear and comprehensive manner. Our HSE Management System is modeled after ISO 14001 standards. This approach helps us realize the HSE aspects of our vision, mission and values.
Permits to work are an important means of fulfilling the Company’s general duty to ensure the health and safety of employees. Therefore we have designed and now follow a standard working procedure for the safe and successful execution of tasks. The Standard working procedure is designed to ensure that those affected are consulted at the planning stage to check that all eventualities have been considered when organizing such activities and are an important means of minimizing any risks involved.
A standard safe work procedure has now become an integral part of the risk management process as it outlines the hazards, risks and associated control measures to be applied to ensure the task/activity is conducted in a way to reduce the risk of injury and ensuring ‘zero’ accidents. SSWPs outlines the hazards, risks and associated controls measures to be applied to ensure the task/activity is conducted in a way to reduce the risk of injury.
Our SWP include the following major activities:
- Describing how the work is carried out.
- Identifying the work activities assessed as having safety or environmental risks.
- Stating what the safety and environmental risks are.
- Describing the control measures that will be applied to the work activities.
- Describing how measures will be implemented to undertake the work in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
- Outlines the legislation, standards and codes to be complied with.
- Describing the equipment used in the work, the qualifications of the personnel undertaking the work and the training required to undertake the work in a safe manner.
MPLP Group has, in place mandatory and important Safety Rules, which are followed by all the employees and vendors/subcontractors. These rules are formulated based on the mapping of high-risk activities. The rules set out simple and clear “Do’s” and “Don’ts” covering activities with high risk and are deemed to be safety-critical and with zero tolerance for any deviation. Strict compliance with these rules is ensured through the management system, not just for the employees but also for the contract workforce.
- Work with valid permit wherever required.
- Obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment.
- Do not override or interfere with any safety equipment nor let anyone else override or interfere.
- Do not walk under a suspended load.
- Adhere to applicable PPE rules.
- Conduct gas test when required.
- Protect yourself against a fall when working at height.
- Do not smoke in prohibited areas.
- Positive isolation and lockout must always be followed.
- Do not exceed speed limit.
- Do not operate without authority or interfere with equipment.
- Obtain authorization before entering a confined space.
- Use adequate PFD (Personal floatation device – Life Jacket, Work vest, etc.) while working over water.
- Wear your seat belt while driving.
- All injuries and incidents must be reported.
- No alcohol or drugs while working or driving.
- All personnel are aged eighteen years or above.
We at MPLP believe that competence in Health and safety should be seen as an important component of workplace activities, not an add-on or afterthought. We take into account the competence of relevant employees while conducting risk assessments for all our jobs. This helps us decide what level of information, instruction, training and supervision is needed to be provided to our employees for successful and safe execution of jobs. We now, train and provide the staff with a combination of training, skills, experience and knowledge that they should have and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely. We try to inculcate these values in their attitude and physical ability, so that we could nurture and utilize max competence of our personnel.
We are in pursuit to endeavor our mission ‘safety before convenience, always’ and the same has been kept as our motto which is being examined in our employees, labor and sub contractors time to time.
- No personal Injury
- No occupational accidents and material damage
- No work related ill health
- No harm to environment
We strive for continual improvement in our HSE performance. Though there has been an increased quantum and complexity of work in the last few years, the Safety performance at MPLP Group has significantly and visibly improved especially in the past six months, which is evident in the fall in Incident Frequency Rates. We benchmark our performance against the worldwide industry standard.